Portugal’s unique building, the Navigation School, replaces the University building and increases Production toward naval units in each city that builds it.Unique Infrastructure: Portugal has access to two unique structures.It starts with one free Promotion, requires less maintenance than the Caravel, and has two charges to build Feitorias, special shipping ports unique to Portugal. Unique Unit: Portugal’s unique unit, the Nau, is a naval melee unit that replaces the Caravel.It also increases Trade Route capacity whenever Portugal meets a new civ and provides Open Borders with all city-states. Leader Unique Ability: Joao’s unique ability is “Porta Do Cerco,” which grants all units increased Sight.This ability also grants Trader units additional range and the ability to embark on water tiles as soon as they’re unlocked. Civ Unique Ability: Portugal’s unique ability, “Casa Da Índia,” significantly increases the yields of International Trade Routes, but limits those routes to cities on the coast or with a Harbor.Includes the Portugal civilization with João III, the Nau unique unit, and two unique structures, the Navigation School building and the Feitoria.